This doesn’t happen often but you brought tears to my eyes this morning, Wayne.

My 26 year old son visited this past week and he gave me a birthday card that essentially said “I’m everything I am because of everything you are” and it gutted me, in a good way

As I read this I couldn’t help but think about how much I still want to live a life that would inspire him to write something like this to me after I’m gone - not because I’d have any use for accolades but because of how deeply I want him to live the absolute most full and meaningful life he can

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Thank you so much for sharing this with me, Rose! I am so glad your son took the opportunity to share with you in person how much you mean to him. So many times we save it for after they’re gone. I am grateful. I had the opportunity to make sure my mother knew how much she meant to me while she was alive.

I love this… “As I read this I couldn’t help but think about how much I still want to live a life that would inspire him to write something like this to me after I’m gone - not because I’d have any use for accolades but because of how deeply I want him to live the absolute most full and meaningful life he can”.

It sounds to me like you are well on your way! Many blessings! I’m honored that my tribute to my mother resonated with your heart.🙏❤️

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That mother / son bond is a special thing 💛

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Thank you so much, Wayne. I am very grateful to your mother too because she touches my life with her love through you, always reminding me what life is truly about. Thank you both for making a difference in this world.

I sometimes wonder what it would have been like to grow up with a loving caring mother which I didn’t but I’m trying to be exactly that with my daughter, not always as perfect as I should I’m afraid, trying to build her a world full of love and magic and I hope she will come to cherish her childhood memories as you do. Lots of love.

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Thank you! What a beautiful way to describe the ongoing reach of a life. I am both grateful for her and the opportunity to extend the love poured into my life into my world. It is interesting to me how life works. One hand I am extremely grateful for my imperfect, but wonderful foundation of love I experienced growing up. But someone said, we learn either from a positive model or a negative. We either learn from the people in our life, showing us how we should live or how we should not. Strangely, often those who learn through the lives of people showing them how they should not live seem to, learn better and more deeply. Maybe it’s because they’ve known the pain of what the negative choice brings. I’m sorry you didn’t experience the love of a mother growing up, but I’m grateful for how you are embracing and giving love now. I’ve come to believe deeply that all things do work together for our good if we’re willing to embrace it in that spirit. Many blessings!

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Thank you for your kind words, Wayne. I do believe that we choose the people and surroundings for our life before we are born so I must have chosen this mother for a purpose, probably to help me understand compassion more, so I am rather grateful for that than bitter or angry. I wouldn't be the person I am right now if it hadn't been for my abusive mother as well. Lots of love.

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Indeed! I too believe we choose many of the aspects, including our parents before we are born. My parents certainly weren’t perfect, and I went through a stage where I was pretty angry at them. But the combination of realizing they were people just like me trying to figure out life and I had a role in choosing them helped me get in a good place. It sure beats bitterness! Many blessings !

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Jul 28Liked by Wayne Stoner

Beautiful tribute to your mom

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Thank you!

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